These are tips that you can apply to improve your catch. You will need to plan and research about your fishing expedition, get a little practice, avoid public fishing grounds, take note of the pool depths, improve your casting, practice dawn and dusk fishing, use bait, lures, fish flies and other strategies to outwit the trout. This article will discuss at length the various 17 tips you could apply next time you are on the ropes to help you catch more.
You up for the challenge? What’s the challenge? Catching more fish! Trout is well adapted to its environment and catching it may not be as simple as you think. For example, their compound eyes give them an all-round view, so you need to apply a little stealth. How many trout have you caught on an annual average so far? What if I told you could catch more?
1. Do Adequate Research And Planning
Where will you be fishing? Which trout are you targeting? What are the fishing laws of that particular region? What method of fishing do you intend to use? It would help if you asked yourself some of these questions before you set out for your expedition. They will guide you to having a seamless experience because you will know what to do and how to do it.
Your fishing method should be included in the plan.
Should you choose fly fishing or Spin fishing? It depends on your experience skill levels and time you have in your hands. Fly fishing calls on your patience. You could even take a lifetime to master it. Spin Fishing, on the other hand, does require some skills which you can quickly learn. Thus within a short time, you will be able to catch more trout using spin fishing. The terrain you will be fishing in will determine the method of fishing you will use. Some methods will work better in streams; others will prosper in lakes while you will need some for ice fishing.
You will need to consider where you are visiting for your fishing expedition. You will need to learn the regulations and study the type of trout you will come across in the particular stream or lake. The rainbow trout is the most common, but you will come across other trout species such as cutthroat, brook, brown, redband trout, among other species.
Research and plan take some forecasting on your upcoming trip. Make sure you consider most factors if not all. For example, what is the weather forecast during the given period? Is it the spawning season for the trout? Researching and planning will help you implement the other tips we are discussing.
2. Avoid Public Fishing Grounds
Take some time and scrutinize where you fish. How many people frequent that fish or stream? A public fishing spot will limit your catch. A public fishing spot does not necessarily need a label. You can note a public fishing ground by the number of people fishing around the area. There is no need to take out your fishing line just to get in line.
Remember that every animal has a defense mechanism. Trout also have survival adaptations. Apart from camouflage, trout have good eyesight. They will be able to note the unrest and a lot of fishing activity taking place in the public pond. As a result, they could stay away and seek safety and food in more remote deeper lakes.
Ecosystem rules also apply when it comes to fishing. An increase in the hunters will cause a decrease in the prey. A crowded fishing pool affects the ecosystem. It would be best if you opted to go to your corner of the stream or the river. What’s more, you could use natural obstacles such as boulders as your base of operations or even to source for a deep pool. I guarantee a better catch in a more remote area.
3. Ensure You Take Breaks
You may see this as a minor tip, but you should not ignore its importance. Sure, at times, breaks can interrupt your rhythm. However, what if your rhythm produced little or no catch? Be sure to take breaks even if they are short ones and in between intervals of a good catch. Breaks are about rest and assessment when you are fishing for trout.
You will be able to pay attention to your surrounding and assess the circumstances of the fishing location. It is time to ask other fishers on expeditions the state of the surrounding. Is the catch good today? Are you fishing in the right place? Do they know of better trout pools? Have you tried all the methods like baits or lures you had planned for?
You may as well take time to re-energize, especially if you feel tired or frustrated. Long spells of little or no catch may leave you a little frustrated. Take this time to figure out where you are going wrong and what you could do better. You could also interact with other fishing counterparts to exchange the information you may find useful. Catching trout will require patience especially if you have opted to fly fish.
4. Take Note Of Natural Ambush Points
What are natural ambush points? These are places with natural obstacles in or along the river or lake. Trout are predatory fish. They hunt flies, smaller fish and fish eggs of other trout or salmon. Your baits, lures and fly fishing is used to mimic trout prey and draw them to you. You may catch your trout while it is on a hunt. These natural obstacle present excellent venues for the trout to seek shelter and ambush their prey.
Look out for obstacles such as a large tree, a larger boulder, an island, finger, or a cliff. You could also look for human-made barriers such as a sunken boat or a submerged bride. These points provide an excellent hideout for the trout. They use one of the oldest tricks in the hunting book — the element of surprise. How about you ambush the ambusher? You will be guaranteed of a better catch this way.
You will also have a surprise as an advantage, and you will be able to improve your catch for the year. Take time and assess these obstacles as you research and plan for your fishing expedition. Also, you could use your breaks to evaluate and try out different ambush points.
5. Try Out Another Location
There is a slight difference between a location and an ambush point. A location is a specific given area. You may find many ambush points in a site. Try and fish in various ambush points in a location before moving. A particular location may have a low trout count, and thus you will record a lower catch regardless of changing ambush points. Are you catching a satisfying amount of fish in your usual spot? No?
Try out a different location to improve your trout catch. Walk up and down along the shore. Drive to another spot on the river or lake. You could also choose to move your boat or raft further from where you are. You could even opt to change the river or lake entirely. A large number of fishers in your favorite lake or stream may hinder your catch.
You will discover new obstacles where trout hide, a deeper pool, and eventually, your trout catch will improve. It would help if you considered the fact that the trout also get mobile in search of food. You practice proactive fishing when you change locations rather than reactive. Sure if you focused on one spot, you could catch your long-awaited trout. However, how big will your catch be?
6. How Is Your Presentation?
Presentation focuses on how you are fishing, looking at the methods and skills to apply. What method are you using? Lure or baits? How well do you present this method to convince the canny trout? Various methods have their advantages and limitations. How well you present your method will define your catch.
Are you using baits? Trout baits have little choice of presentation. You are limited to how you hook and present worms and minnows to the trout. You can either hook a single worm or multiple worms. It would help if you hooked larger worms such as earthworms one at a time. You can fit various smaller worms such as manure worms on your hook. Take your time to hook your worm correctly.
You can rely on several options to present your lures. Make sure your retrieval speeds vary. You will make your lures more convincing to the trout if you vary the speeds. You could try slow, faster, deadfall, and erratic retrieval. The retrieval methods and how you present your baits and lures should convince the trout that they are in the comfort of their natural environment. A sense of security will make them let their guard down, and your catch improves.
7. Mind Your Depth
Trout love deep waters. Especially lake trout. They prefer cold water which they can access it in deeper pools. The depth you choose will be influenced by the weather and season. Trout retreat more in warm weather. Which means you have to fish deeper in summer. They prefer temperatures ranging about 53F.
During spring you need to go about 20-30 feet deep. What’s more, trout will find food in the deeper shores. You can find deep pools near obstacles such as boulders. However, it would help if you were progressive when it comes to depth. You should start at the shores and start going deeper. This will make sure you get most out of your expedition.
How deep did you fish last time you were out? You could rely on your boat to determine your depth as modern era boats are attached with sensors.
8. Change Your Bait And Lure Colors
Trout have some color preferences too. Remember they have good eyesight. When you are planning for this expedition, make sure that you try to carry multiple colors of the lures, baits and especially the cured eggs if you plan to use egg rolling as a technique. The sporting goods stores offer a variety of colors even for fish flying to help you diversify.
Divide your different colors into a period, for example, an hour. You could use a lure of a specific color for example green for an hour and then switch to a different one say red. You may find that these colors are not convincing enough to the trout. At this point, go ahead and use various mixtures to present more choices to these intelligent species of fish.
The point of mixing up the colors is to try and present something the fish have not yet seen. You will always need to think out of your comfort zone to stir the trout interest and improve your catch. Sometimes they need something they are yet to see. Ensure your lures and baits are colorful for a bountiful catch on these colorful fish such as the rainbow trout.
9. Trout Lures
Have you tried using lures? Lures and bait have a competing result when it comes to fishing. What types of lures do you use? You need to diversify when it comes to lures just as you would with the colors and bait. Having many choices will work to broaden the options for the trout, and you will record a better catch.
I have found much success using lures. I use different types and brands, for example, Lures by Panther Martin. You will find the manufactures making lures in various shapes, sizes, and colors. Remember that trout is a predatory fish that will feed on small fish such as other small trout, flies, etc. Lures imitate these structures. For example, some lures come in the shapes of small fish while others look like bugs.
As you purchase your lures, you will find that they come in many different colors. Most manufacturers offer more than ten options. Have you been diversifying your lures? What are some of the shapes you have been using?
10. Trout Love Bait
Baits are the most popular method for trout fishing. Baits present a live snack for the trout, and they love it due to their predatory nature. What types of bait do you use? Just like color and lures, it is vital that you try and diversify your bait. You will be able to appeal to the trout’s appetite, and you will find more success.
I usually carry along at least two types of bait. Worms are often my first option, and I could bring along with them some grasshoppers. Always remember to bring the worms because they are usually irresistible appetizers for trout and easy for you to obtain. You may go ahead and bring along the grasshoppers like me, eggs, power bait, and minnows.
You will be able to decide the best bait if you choose to rely on the weather patterns and seasons. For example, grasshoppers are more available in the summer. Consequently, trout love them during this season. Trout feeding patterns are influenced by the season as they eat what is available. Take some time and study this as you research and plan for your trip.
11. What Is The Fish Density?
Fish density refers to the population of trout in your lake or river. You will record a low catch if you go in blindly. Maybe you have been fishing in a low populated area? As you do the research and plan step, take the fish density into account and research adequately on it. You may need to change the venue because you have uncovered that your local lake or stream has a low trout density.
Low density may be caused by migration patterns, the rate at which people fish, and the number of fishermen in a given locality. The lower the fish population, the lower your trout catch will be. A low density may also be caused by the lack of food in the ecosystem. The trout will have nothing to feed on, and they will not wait for the bait you bring because you don’t go fishing every day.
Other environmental factors may affect the density of the trout population as well, such as low water levels in the streams. Remember trout like deeper waters due to their cold temperature. What is the current fish density of the lake or stream you frequent?
12. Pinch Your Barbs
Are you fishing for catch and release? It would be best if you pinched your barbs to prevent harming the fish. You may harm the trout’s delicate mouth and throat. You will also ensure the survival of the trout and the growth of the ecosystem. What’s more, you will have an easier time to unhook the barb and get on with catching more. You can easily pinch your bar using a pair of pliers.
13. Be Stealthy
It would help if you avoided clumsy and sloppy movements. The more the vibrations, the more the trout get spooked. How are your movements in the water? Fishing is like hunting. When it comes to hunting, predators stalk their prey first before pouncing. Clumsy movements are probably why you may be experiencing low catch.
Trout are gifted with vision. Sudden movements will surely send them swimming away for their lives. Vison and speed are part of the trout’s defense mechanism. Trout usually swim against the current. You should try and approach from downstream.
What’s more, use the various structures and obstacles to help you maintain a low profile. Watch out for where your shadow is falling. Make sure that it is not cast over the water. The trout can detect the movement of your shadow and retreat to their hideouts.
Make sure you are also dressed in hunting gear. Bright clothes will attract the trout’s attention. They will stalk you instead of you stalking them and hence getaway. Remember to keep your casts out of the trout’s view and reduce false casts. Are you ready to engage stealth mode?
14. Improve Your Casting
How good is your casting? It would be best if you practiced it to have a successful catch. Sloppy casting will cause a lot of water flogging. The trout will notice the flogging using their sharp eyesight and swim away. Proper casting is part stealth and part accuracy.
You need to minimize the number of false casts you make. An accurate cast will help you lock on your target during the first cast. Make sure that your casts extend from the drift. A useful extension will minimize drag and improve your stealth and accuracy.
Once you have mastered accuracy, you should also focus on making long-distance casts. You will be able to cover more ground with longer casts and have access to pools that others have a hard time reaching. However, long casting presents a challenge when it comes to landing the fish. This is why most anglers prefer short casting and to work on their accuracy and stealth instead. Once you master short casting, you can now advance to long casting for a better catch and experience.
15. Dawn And Dusk Fishing
What time do you usually go fishing? Remember, trout love freshwater. During summer the days are hotter. As a result, trout are more active during dusk and dawn. Plan your fishing expeditions for these times to catch more trout. What’s more, you will barely cast a shadow on the water when you fish at either dusk or dawn.
16. Spawn Sacks
Have you tried egg rolling yet? Trout like feeding on spawned eggs. They especially prefer salmon eggs or fellow trout eggs. You can use this to your advantage if you have previously overlooked it. Most fishers use cured eggs. They can use different colors, such as red and green, to their advantage.
You can purchase various spawn eggs from the stores, or you can opt to cure them yourself. Curing eggs starts with collecting them. You will then need to brine the eggs to harden them and cluster them. You can store your cured eggs in the freezer and take some out during your fishing expeditions. You could also purchase readily cured eggs with a budget of just $10 and below. This little investment will yield a bigger catch.
You will need to collect the eggs during spawning season. What’s more, this method is also very effective during spawning season. The spawn sacks make natural bait for the trout, and you will be able to catch more. Remember to research and take note of the spawning seasons.
17. Polarized Glasses
Are you fishing in the summer? Remember that the water often tends to reflect light and this will hinder your eyesight, especially if you are fishing in a stream. When you spot an angler with polarized glasses, it is more about helping his vision rather than for aesthetic value.
This is your chance to go against the trout’s vision. Polarized glasses can help you spot the fish first and prepare yourself. For example, you should be still or minimize your movements to avoid spooking them. You will be able to see through clear water mostly and make out the silhouette of the trout.
Final Thoughts
Which of the above methods did you feel you were missing out on? Which method do you think I left out? What does your friend advice?Trout can be canny fish. However, you can easily outsmart them. You need to put a lot of thoughts and considerations into your trip to multiply your catch compared to the last time you were out on the ropes. You need to be aware of trout behavior, their adaptations, and what they like to feed on. What’s more, you will need to consider the weather patterns to make an accurate judgment.
Remember; do adequate research, use colorful lures and spawn sacks, variety of bait, fish at dusk and dawn, avoid crowded fishing grounds, mind your depth, pinch your barbs, be stealthy, work on your presentation, take a few breaks, explore other locations and ambush points, note the fish density, take note of the seasons, work on your casting, bring the right gear and use polarized glasses especially in the summer.
Source: Trout Fishing Tips